Wilhelm Winter

Professor of Theoretical Mathematics

Some past and some upcoming events:

08/2025: YMC*A, Odense

08/2025: C*-algebras, Oberwolfach

09/2024: Probability, Dynamics and the Geometry of Groups, Münster

08/2024: YMC*A, Glasgow

07/2024: Special Week in Operator Algebras, Shanghai

06/2024: Noncommutativity in the North – MikaelFest

03/2024: Midterm Conference, Mathematics Münster

10/2023: Functional Analysis Seminar, Oxford

08/2023: YMC*A, Leuven

07–12/2023: Thematic Program on Operator Algebras and Applications,

               Fields Institute, Toronto     

07/2023: Workshop in honour of Eberhard Kirchberg, Münster

11/2022: Group Actions: Dynamics, Measure, Topology, Münster

09/2022: Cuntz semigroups workshop, Kiel

08/2022: YMC*A, Oslo

08/2022: C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach

08/2022: C*-dynamics and set theory in Paris, Paris

07/2022: ENSPM2022, Tomar, Portugal

07/2022: Operator algebras, dynamics and groups, Copenhagen

05/2022: COSy, Ottawa

03/2022: Noncommutativity in the North, Gothenburg

10/2021: Special Lecture, ECNU Shanghai

08/2021: YMC*A, Münster

07/2021: Cuntz Semigroups

               Workshop, Münster 

06/2021: Groups meet C*-algebras

               [7th Florianopolis–Münster–Ottawa Conference

               in honour of Siegfried Echterhoff’s 60th birthday], Münster

06/2021: Interactions between expanders, groups and operator algebras

              Miniworkshop, Münster

06–08/2021: Operator algebras and topological dynamics: 

                amenability and beyond. 

                Focus Programme, Münster

06/2021: 8ECM Minisymposium Operator Algebras, Portoroz

04/2021: Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar

08/2020: Special Week on Operator Algebras, Shanghai (Zoom) 

08/2020: YMC*A, Münster


08/2020: Interactions between expanders, groups and operator algebras

              Miniworkshop, Münster


07/2020: 8ECM Minisymposium Operator Algebras, Portoroz


06/2020: Cuntz semigrous

               Workshop, Münster


06/2020: Groups meet C*-algebras

               [7th Florianopolis–Münster–Ottawa Conference

               in honour of Siegfried Echterhoff’s 60th birthday], Münster


06–08/2020: Operator algebras and topological dynamics: 

                amenability and beyond. 

                Focus Programme, Münster


09/2019: Topology and Measure in Dynamics and Operator Algebras, Banff

08/2019: C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach

08/2019: YMC*A, Copenhagen

06/2019: Opening Colloquium Mathematics Münster

06/2019: Operator Algebras, Groups, and Applications to Quantum Information,

               ICMAT, Madrid

06/2019: Special Week on Operator Algebras, ECNU Shanghai